
Gum Disease Treatment Singapore

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease is inflammation of the gum margin that can progress to affect the bone supporting your teeth. The stages are gingivitis, periodontitis, and severe periodontitis.

Plaque formation from food and bacteria causes gum inflammation (gingivitis). If not treated, plaque can turn into tartar, leading to an immune response that attacks the surrounding bone and gums, forming gum pockets. Tartar continues to develop under the gums, deepening the pockets and damaging the tooth’s foundation.

gum disease
Gum disease is the inflammation of the gum margin, which can progress to severe periodontitis.

At An Dental, we understand dental treatment discomfort. This is why we offer the EMS AIRFLOW machine for a more comfortable gum infection treatment. It uses gentle vibrations, low noise, warm water, and fine-grained powder to clean teeth with reduced sensitivity.

Gum treatment can be non-surgical (scaling and root planing) or surgical (for residual pockets). Non-surgical treatment is preferred as the first-line approach to gum disease. Surgical options include pocket reduction and regenerative surgery.
Regular gum treatments can preserve your teeth and maintain a fresh, youthful appearance. We aim to provide a comfortable experience, especially for patients with dental phobia.

EMS Airflow
The EMS Airflow allows for a more comfortable gum infection treatment.

Non-surgical gum disease treatments in Singapore

1. Scaling and root planing 

What is scaling and root planing (deep cleaning)?

Scaling and root planing is a procedure to clean and remove tartar, bacteria, and food from the gum pockets. We use ultrasonic or hand instruments to thoroughly clean the root surfaces, promoting optimal healing. This treatment helps improve the health of your gum and prevent further progression of gum disease.

scaling root planing
Scaling and root planing removes bacteria, tartar, and food from the gums.

Who needs scaling and root planing in Singapore?

If you have gum disease and there is tartar present in your gum pockets, you may need scaling and root planing to clean and treat the condition effectively. This procedure helps to remove the tartar, bacteria, and debris from your gum pockets, promoting better gum health and preventing further complications.

Why do scaling and root planing?

Scaling and root planing is a procedure that aims to remove tartar from your gums, creating a healthier environment for gum attachment to your teeth. By eliminating this irritating substance, inflammation is reduced, and the healing process is initiated, allowing your gum pockets to heal and improve overall gum health. This treatment is essential for managing gum disease and promoting better gum-to-tooth attachment.

How are scaling and root planing done in Singapore?

During gum disease treatment, we use specialised instruments to clean the area between your gums and teeth. The gum pocket can trap black tartar, so we use a gentle, vibrating ultrasonic tip to remove the tartar, similar to removing blackheads. Hand instruments are also used to smoothen the root surface and remove any remaining tartar. If the pockets are deep and require more extensive cleaning, we may apply a topical and local anaesthetic to numb the area for a more comfortable experience during the procedure. This process helps improve gum health and promotes healing of the gum pockets.

dental scaling
Scaling and root planing can help to improve gum health.

Post-operative care

There is usually no downtime after gum treatment if you do not require local anaesthesia. You can resume your regular activities, including work, or taking care of your kids. However, if you opt for local anaesthesia, you may need to wait for its effects to wear off before your gums feel normal again. Some individuals may experience mild bleeding or discomfort after the procedure. If you do, taking over-the-counter pain relievers like Panadol (assuming you are not allergic) should help alleviate discomfort. Overall, the recovery process is usually straightforward and should not cause significant disruption to your daily routine.
Book an appointment with us today to treat gum disease!

2. Surgical gum disease treatment in Singapore

Pocket reduction surgery

What is pocket reduction surgery?

Gum pocket reduction surgery, also known as osseous surgery, aims to reduce the depth of the gum pocket (ideally to 5mm and below) to minimise the accumulation of food and bacteria. By doing so, it alters the types of bacteria in the pocket, making it less harmful to your overall oral health. This surgical procedure helps prevent the gum condition from worsening and promotes a healthier environment for your gums to heal and stay protected. If you have deep gum pockets, this surgery can be beneficial in improving the condition and maintaining better oral hygiene.

gum pockets
Deep gum pockets are dangerous as the affected tooth is in danger of falling out.

Who needs pocket reduction surgery in Singapore?

If you have undergone scaling and root planing but still have gum pockets measuring 6mm and above, it indicates that the gum disease has not responded adequately to the non-surgical treatment. In such cases, further intervention may be required to address the deep gum pockets and prevent the condition from worsening. Your dentist may recommend additional treatments, such as pocket reduction surgery or regenerative surgery, to address the persistent gum issues and promote better oral health. It is essential to follow your dentist’s advice and undergo the recommended procedures to improve the condition of your gums and maintain a healthy mouth.

Why do pocket reduction surgery?

Research has indicated that when gum pockets remain at 6mm and above despite scaling and root planing treatment, it suggests that the periodontal condition is not stable and may continue to deteriorate. This could be attributed to the limitations of toothbrush bristles, as they can only reach up to 5mm below the gum line to clean the pocket. Anything deeper than that might be challenging for the toothbrush to remove bacteria and food particles effectively. It is essential to address these deep pockets through additional treatments recommended by your dentist to prevent further worsening of the gum condition and maintain oral health. Following your dentist’s advice and undergoing appropriate procedures can help manage periodontal issues effectively.

How is pocket reduction surgery done in Singapore?

During the procedure, local anaesthesia is administered to ensure your comfort. The dentist gently moves the gums to expose the tartar on the tooth root. Using specialised instruments, they thoroughly clean the area between the gums and the tooth, removing all the tartar and smoothing the root surface. The bone is also carefully cleaned and shaped to eliminate any infected material. After the tooth root is cleaned, the excess gum tissue is trimmed and repositioned to stick back to the tooth surface more effectively, eliminating deep pockets that can trap bacteria. This helps promote gum problems. You can expect improved gum health and reduced pocket depths following this treatment.

pocket reduction surgery
Pocket reduction surgery is done to reduce the depth of the gum pockets to 5mm and below.

3. Surgical gum disease treatment in Singapore

What is regenerative surgery?

Regenerative surgery is performed to stimulate the growth of bone and soft tissues that have been lost due to periodontitis. Bacterial attack and inflammation lead to bone loss in this condition. While scaling and root planing can help stop gum disease, regenerative surgery offers the possibility of regrowing lost gum and bone under specific circumstances. This advanced treatment aims to restore and support the health of your gums and bones, providing a better foundation for your teeth and improving your overall oral health.

regenerative bone surgery
Regenerative bone surgery helps regrow bone that was damaged due to periodontitis.

Who needs regenerative surgery in Singapore?

If you have gum disease and experience angular or cup-shaped bone defects known as infrabony defects, you may encounter significant bone loss around your teeth. In such cases, certain teeth may become loose or shaky, and some gum pockets may not heal properly as the gum tissue cannot reattach to the tooth surface. These infrabony defects indicate a more severe stage of gum disease and may require specialised treatment to address the bone loss and improve the stability of your teeth and gums. It is essential to seek professional dental care to prevent further complications and maintain good oral health.

Why do regenerative surgery?

In certain cases, even after the gum pocket heals, the affected tooth may still remain mobile or loose. To address this issue and reverse the gum disease process, we may opt for regenerative procedures. These procedures involve introducing wound healing and growth factors into the gum pocket, providing a scaffold for new gums and bone growth. This helps promote bone growth and surrounding soft tissues, making the tooth firmer and more stable.

Additionally, for individuals with wide pockets that do not heal effectively with scaling and root planing, regenerative techniques can encourage better healing and improve the overall condition of the gums and teeth.

Seeking professional dental care will determine the most suitable approach to address these issues and ensure optimal oral health.

Post-operative care

  • Activity: rest the day of and after surgery, only returning to work or school the following day. Refrain from physical activity for at least two days. Avoid sleeping on the surgery side and refrain from smoking for at least 7 to 14 days post-surgery.
  • Medications: take prescribed medications as directed, even if you do not feel much discomfort initially. Preventing pain is easier than treating it later.
  • Swelling: swelling is normal and peaks at 48 hours. Apply ice for 15 minutes on and off during the first 24 hours. Keep your head elevated above your heart to reduce swelling, which can last up to 3 days.
  • Bleeding: slight oozing in the first 24 hours is normal. Apply gentle pressure with gauze for 20 minutes. A caffeinated tea bag can be used if gauze is unavailable.
  • Mouth care: minimise movement and trauma to the surgical site for faster healing. Sutures may be removed in 1 to 2 weeks. Avoid smoking during the healing phase.
  • Diet: avoid hot, spicy, brittle, or abrasive foods. Opt for a soft diet in the first 24 hours and minimise chewing on the surgery side. A balanced diet aids healing.
  • Oral hygiene: only brush the surgical area once instructed. Use prescribed Chlorhexidine mouth rinse twice daily, refraining from eating or drinking for 30 minutes after rinsing.

You must attend the scheduled follow-up appointment after 1 to 2 weeks. Sutures may be removed, and further oral hygiene instructions may be given.
If you suspect that you may have any stage of gum disease, make an appointment for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

An Dental
Dr Marlene and her dental team help ensure optimal oral health in all her patients.


We look forward to answering any questions you may have in your pursuit of health, beauty, and a peace of mind. Feel free to drop us a message right here.
International Building (Next to Lido)
360 Orchard Road #03-06/07
Singapore 238869

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    International Building (Next to Lido)
    360 Orchard Road #03-06/07,
    Singapore 238869
    Mon to Fri: 9am to 5.30pm
    Thu: 10am to 5.30pm
    Sat: 9am to 1pm
    Closed on Sun & PH
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